Taking care of your skin is an absolute must and it’s the single most important thing you can do for your appearance.
Strip away your cool sense of style or your fashionable haircut; nobody wants unsightly bumps and blemishes or hair in the wrong places.
Superman is the ultimate superhero, but we bet even he has bad skin days!
This refresher course is designed to bring out the superman in you, leaving you feeling and looking the best version of yourself. Find out your face grooming guide right now.
Nose/ear hair
If it makes you feel better, it’s important to note that millions of men worldwide can suddenly get odd strands of hair protruding from the shadows of their noses and ears by the time they hit 30.
How to get rid of nose/ear hair
– Safety first: Your ears and nose are sensitive areas so it’s important to bear this in mind when you are looking to get rid of unwanted hair. Trim in a well-lit environment and in front of a mirror to get the best view possible
– Avoid scissors: Avoid scissors altogether as they are dangerous and one bad move could scar your nostrils or earlobes permanently.
– Pick a good trimmer: Hair trimmers work in two different ways. There are some trimmers that feature a rotating blade that spins in one continuous direction. Other trimmers work with an oscillating blade that rotates left to right. Both types work extremely well.
If you are prone to not washing your face as regularly as you should, then you can expect to find blackheads appear on your face.
A word of caution is not to pop your blackheads with your hands, as that will aggravate your problem, which can lead to infection and even scarring.
How to get rid of blackheads
– Steam your face to open up the pores: Steaming your face helps to relax and open the pores in your skin, which can help to keep it clean. This can get rid of any dirt and grime as well as blackheads and excess oil on your skin.
– What you will need:
– Fill a sink or bowl with hot water
– Hold your face over the steam for 10-15 minutes
– [ Exfoliate ]
– Wash your face with cold water
– Apply a moisturiser to hydrate your skin
– Use an exfoliator: Exfoliating will stop blackheads (especially blackheads that are on your nose) before they start digging deeper into your pores. We definitely recommend that you exfoliate when you steam your face. Use a men’s face scrub every other day to help prevent and get rid of blackheads. Facial scrubs are not meant to be used everyday, as daily use can actually make your skin worse.
RECOMMENDED: Scrub It – Exfoliator from Green People
– Keep your skin clean: Clean your face with a good cleanser, ideally one that is for oily prone skin. Claudia Fallah’s Azulene Gel facial wash is great for removing dirt and grime, leaving your skin healthy and fresh.
Just like blackheads, spots and acne breakouts are caused by a build up of oil, which results in an inflammation of the skin gland or pimple. It’s important to keep your skin clean to avoid further breakouts.
SEE ALSO: Top 5 free tips on how to get rid of spots on face
How to get rid of spots
– Drink plenty of water: Drink 2.0 litres of water a day (recommended amount for men) as flushing out toxins can reduce the amount of breakouts you get.
– Wash your face and use moisturiser daily: When it comes to cleansing and moisturising, sometimes it seems to be an all or nothing mentality. Just for the record, it is no good to only use a moisturiser once a week, nor go overboard and scrub your skin too much leaving it red, sensitive, dry, damaged and more prone to breakouts. Stick to washing and moisturising your face every morning and night to keep your skin hydrated and fresh. Try the Wash & Shave from Green People which is absolutely great.
– Get plenty of sleep: Even Superman needs his rest! Aim for 7-8 hours per night to keep your immune system fully functioning and your spot breakouts under control.