Nailing your solution – Cuticles Cuticles can sometimes be left forgotten about when we are giving ourselves a manicure. Your cuticles are part of your skin so they are important […]
Your grooming guide to becoming superman: THE BODY
We have guided you through the ultimate guide for the face and now it’s time to get your body grooming guide. With superman still being our idol throughout this refresher course, bear […]
Your grooming guide to becoming superman! THE FACE
Taking care of your skin is an absolute must and it’s the single most important thing you can do for your appearance. Strip away your cool sense of style or […]
How to stop nail biting
Finally I have found a solution to nail biting I have bitten my nails ever since I can remember, and I hate it! Whether it is nerves, boredom or just […]
Technology is making your skin age!
How my mobile affects my skin? Technology has come a long way in the past 15 years and a lot of people would say they couldn’t live without their phones […]
Are you getting enough sleep?
It’s 2am in the morning and you are still wide-awake staring at the ceiling and it’s starting to get frustrating! Whilst the rest of the house is fast asleep, you […]
How do I know when I should throw away my grooming products?
When do I have to throw away my grooming products? Whether you are a product hoarder who keeps your lotions and potions for way too long (without using them!) or […]
How to get rid of spots – Chapter 7
Hormones and your skin For the past couple of months, I have been sharing my skincare diaries with you on all things to do with getting rid of spots in […]
Our top 3 abs workouts to get you back into shape
Are you still fighting the extra pounds you gained over Christmas? Don’t worry; you are not the only one! Abs is a known worldwide workout (not that a lot of […]
How to get rid of spots – Chapter 6
How to get rid of spots starts with your diet For the past few weeks I have been sharing my skincare journey with you on all things to do with […]
The no makeup challenge – week 1
No makeup challenge – week 1 Whilst some of you are contemplating your new years resolution, others may be quitting smoking, opting to live healthier, ban the junk food once […]
Why is my hair so dry? Best ways for men to get rid of dry hair
The first step to getting rid of dry hair is first finding out the causes and then looking at the types of solutions available. We have gathered the best ways […]